Reflecting on the last year, it has been a pleasure to engaging with alumni, students and their family. It is impressive what the chapter has accomplished in such a short period of time.

The 2017 year kicked off with a Meet and Greet for new students, alumni and family. Over the past year the chapter has participated in four college fairs, hosted five happy hours, organized a bus of 40 local students for participation in High School Day and held the first annual fundraising event. This would not be possible without the dedication of the executive board, Gloria “Tina” Williams ‘82, Chris Barr ‘06, Ramon Neal ‘06, Latasha Abbott and Tasheria Shorts ‘16.

Lastly, membership is critical to the sustainment of our organization.  Our goal is to reach 100 members by December 2017.  Become a member Sign up today, bring a check to the next meeting, or mail your membership check to:

200 Wilson Point Rd, Unit 5082, Middle River, MD 21220.

Maryland HU Licenses Plates

Show your HU pride, order a HU MD Licenses plate today!

Order Plates



New Student Summer Cookout – August 6, 2017 Location:

Patapsco Valley State Park – Pick all Area 702
8125 Johnnycake Road
Woodlawn MD 21244

Time: 1:00 – 5:00pm

New Students, Current Students and Family are welcome!

Alumni and Friends Happy Hour – September 2017

General Body Meeting – September 2017

Stay tuned for dates and locations





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