Candidate Profile

Christopher Norwood
Candidate for Treasurer
South Florida Chapter
Principal Consultant, The Norwood Consulting Group

National Experience

Regional Experience
Vice President (Florida), South East Region

Chapter Experience
Treasurer, South Florida Hampton Alumni Association

Vision Statement
Good Governance, Financial accountability and Strategic Partnerships that help us help ourselves, this is my vision. The National Hampton Alumni Association should be dedicated to the mission of the
University through the example of our Alumni world-wide. Our alumni are leaders in every field. Servants to their community, families, houses of worship and to others. We must embody the collective spirit and goodwill of our alumni, while focusing on building our Hampton University family from within.

As Treasurer, I promise to lead the financial stewardship of the organization and ensure quality good governance beyond reproach. I will ensure that best practices in financial accountability will be
employed, practices I've learned while currently serving on the Audit and Budget Advisory Committee of Miami Dade Public Schools, the 4th largest school district in the United States with a $5 billion budget.

I also promise to develop strategic partnerships with organizations that will help us help ourselves. For example, I developed a partnership between the South East Region's Biennial Conference (2016) and the Key West Africana Festival (KWAF), saving the region money and valuable resources, while receiving KWAF donated funds to the university for each Hampton Alumni registered.


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