An election for board positions of National President, First Vice President, Vice President (Eastern Regions), Vice President (Western Regions), Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer shall be conducted among the regular voting membership in even-numbered years.
Nominations for the national officers shall be made in writing by chapters to the Nomination Committee by October 15th of odd-numbered years. A ballot shall be prepared and distributed to each regular voting member by March 1st of the even-numbered years. Each properly authenticated ballot received from regular voting members by midnight April 1st of even-numbered years will be counted and the person receiving the most actual votes (a plurality) for each national office shall be certified by the Teller Committee as elected for a two-year term beginning July 1st of the even-numbered years.
President is nominated by any Chapter and all alumni can vote for the candidates.
First Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer are nominated by any Chapter and all alumni can vote for the candidates.
Vice President (Eastern Regions) is nominated only by Chapters from the Mid-Atlantic, North Atlantic, North Carolina, and Southeast Regions. All alumni across the country can vote for that person(s). The person nominated must reside in one of those regions.
Vice President (Western Regions) is nominated only by Chapters from the Far West, Midwest, and Southwest Regions. All alumni across the country can vote for that person(s). The person nominated must reside in one of those regions.
If chapters do not nominate people for all elected positions by the nomination deadline, the Board of Directors and the Alumni council will nominate qualified persons for the vacant post. If positions are still vacant on the ballot, elected President shall have the right to appoint qualified persons to vacant positions.
Article II of NHAA, Inc. Bylaws
There shall be four (4) classes of membership
Section 1: Regular Membership
All holders of degrees, diplomas, and certificates heretofore and hereinafter granted by Hampton University and its predecessors, and all persons who attended Hampton University and its predecessors for at least one semester (including a summer session) and left in good standing, are afforded membership in the NHAA, Inc.
Section 2: Associate Membership
Associate memberships may be granted by a local chapter of the NHAA, Inc. to any person who exhibits interest by support of, and participation in, the program(s) of the NHAA, Inc.
Section 3: Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be granted by the Board of Directors of the NHAA, Inc., regions or local chapters.
Section 4: Voting Membership
Any regular member, as defined in Section 1 above, who has participated in alumni giving at least once in the last five (5) years shall have voting rights in the NHAA, Inc.
ARTICLE XI – Qualification of National Officers
Section 1: Only members in good standing with chapters may hold national office, except at-large members who reside at least sixty (60) miles from an active chapter. Good standing shall consist of the following:
- Payment of dues, and
- Making a financial contribution to Hampton University, and
- Participation in and support of chapter and regional activities.
Section 2: Only members as defined in Article II, Section1, of the NHAA, Inc.’s Bylaws may hold national office.
Section 3: Elected officers, as defined in Article X, shall serve for a term of two (2) years and shall be eligible for re-election for one individual successive two-year term.
Section 4: Individuals duly elected may not occupy more than one elected national office at any given time.
Section 5: Candidates of the Office of the President and the three Vice Presidents shall be members of the Association as defined in Article II, Section 1, and shall serve in some type of leadership capacity in the local or regional capacity prior to being nominated.
FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018
October 9 Nomination forms and information emailed to NHAA President to distribute to Region Presidents for distribution to all Chapter Presidents.
November 13 Nominations with candidate’s agreement to run for the office are returned to Nominations Chair. Must be received and not postmarked by designated deadline date, both hard copy (mail) and soft copy (email).
November 14 Nominees’ names sent to Credentials Chair by Nominations Chair.
December 8 Credentials Chair email Nominees’ names to the Office of Alumni Affairs to determine eligibility of nominees and notifies Nominations Chair, any ineligible candidates and the nominating Chapter(s).
December 15 Requests for biographical and platform data sent to nominees by Nominations Chair.
December 29 Nominees’ photo, biographical and platform data received by Nominations Chair via email and postal mail service.
January 5 The Slate of nominees is submitted to NHAA President to be included in agenda for Winter Board Meeting.
January 27 (Saturday) Any position on the Slate not filled will be presented at the Alumni Council Meeting for nominations, if necessary. Nominees from the floor must present their photo, biographical, and platform data to the Nominations Chair at the Alumni Council meeting. The Alumni Council approves the slate of Officers.
January 29 Slate with biographical data and photos of candidates sent to Alumni Office by Nominations Chair. If the format for biographical sketches is changed, the format will be sent to the Office of Alumni Affairs on 1/29/2018.
March 1 Ballots sent by email and U.S.P.S. to alumni by Outside Vendor.
April 2 Outside Vendor receives Ballots (electronic and paper) from Alumni. Deadline for receipt of ballots is midnight April 2.
April 19 Tellers Committee receives the tally report from the Alumni Affairs Office and confirms the results to the Board.
April 26 Teller Committee notifies candidates of election results.
May 12 Tellers Committee announces election results at NHAA, Inc. Plenary Meeting during Reunion Weekend 2018.
May 18 Alumni Affairs Office communicates the election results to all Alumni thru email, social media and U.S.P.S for those Alums without email.